Other wheat related websites

1. Wheat SnpHub Portal

Genomic variation datasets of wheat and its progenitors.

2. Triticeae-GeneTribe (TGT)

Collinearity-incorporating homology database for Triticeae genomes.

3. Chinese Spring Chromatin State Database

A chromatin state interface for Chinese Spring bread wheat.

4. Wheat URGI Blast

For more information,please visit wheat URGI website.

5. Wheatis Earlham Blast

Bian. X, Tyrrell. S, Davey R.P. The Grassroots life science data infrastructure (2017). https://grassroots.tools.

6. AutoCloner

AutoCloner is a custom pipeline that designs homeologue-specific primers for polyploids. It achieves this by extracting SNP locations unique to your gene of interest, and placing the 3` ends of primers at these SNPs

7. PaperBLAST

PaperBLAST builds a database of protein sequences that are linked to scientific articles. These links come from automated text searches against the articles in EuropePMC and from manually-curated information from GeneRIF, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, BRENDA, CAZy (as made available by dbCAN), CharProtDB, MetaCyc, EcoCyc, TCDB, REBASE, and the Fitness Browser. Given this database and a protein sequence query, PaperBLAST uses protein-protein BLAST to find similar sequences with E < 0.001.

8. GrainGenes

GrainGenes, a database for Triticeae and Avena, is a comprehensive resource for molecular and phenotypic information for wheat, barley, rye, and other related species, including oat.


the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium

10. T3/wheat

T3 is a repository for public wheat data generated by the Wheat Coordinated Agricultural Project (Wheat CAP).

11. CRISPR-Cereal

CRISPR-Cereal: A Guide RNA Design Tool Integrating Regulome and Genomic Variation for Wheat, Maize and Rice.

12. Triticum aestivum RNA-seq Database

PPRD:Search gene expression levels from 5,816 Triticum aestivum RNA-Seq libraries.

13. Wheat Panache

a pangenome graph database representing presence/absence variation across 16 bread wheat genomes.

14. WheatComp Database

Genetic Relationship Information Database for Wheat Germplasms.

15. Triti-Map

Utility of Triti-Map for bulk-segregated mapping of causal genes and regulatory elements in Triticeae.

16. WheatPro

WheatPro can perform online multidimensional analysis of gene expression, such as transcriptional regulation, gene co-expression, multi-omics expression, modification sites, PTC analysis, PPI analysis of genes regulating important agronomic traits (disease resistance, quality), and ABD expression preference analysis.